Saturday, June 05, 2010

A Little Faith

The secret to making a crust? Patience and a little faith. For both pizza crusts and pie crusts that I have made, there is always a point where I think it won't possibly come together. It's too crumbly, not enough water, why even bother continuing? This is where my mother has given up in the past on my Grandma's famous pizza crust- which for anyone who has had my Grandma's pizza recipe, you know that it's a travesty that it has gone un-made for ten years.
You have to push through that moment and have some faith that it will form. Keep mixing, keep kneading and you will have a crust that will melt in your mouth.

Today's project was a strawberry-rhubarb pie with a pie crust made from scratch. I made it through the mixing alright. I left it in the fridge for a couple of hours when I went to the gym and the store. When I went to roll it, it was a rock. Part of me wanted to throw it in the garbage, but I kept pressing down, kept rolling and before I knew it, I had my crust. And it stayed together and baked much better than it had in the past.


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