Wednesday, January 25, 2006

It has been a rough quarter. There's no denying it. I have decided to list a few of my favorite things to help me get through:
1. Libraries
2. Books
3. Running your hand over books at a library
4. Discovering a new section of books about the History plays
5. Reading said books in Casey's broken lazy boy recliner while my apple candle from Kristen is burning and I'm wrapped in my yellow fuzzy blanket.
6. Crawling into bed at night with eyes burning from reading said books in said chair smelling said candle.
7. My elephant bookend that was my grandmothers.
8. Rubbing the bookend's belly.
9. Clothes
10. Shoes
11. Purses, like the new purse I got this weekend. :)
12. Hazelnut half caff with my hazelnut creamer.
13. Hiding out, I mean, working out at the gym.
14. A nice hot shower
15. Watching 'our' shows with my roommates (Scrubs, Bachelor, and Sex & the City)

That's all my favorite things for now.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Someday I am going to be a great cook. However, I am not there yet.
I have decided that one dish I will perfect is tofu/veggie stirfry. Slowly, I am putting together the pieces. I have perfected making the tofu and the timing that goes along with it. My latest obstacle has been the vegetables, both quantity and preparation. I like the stir fries (sp?) to be colorful, so I ended up buying wide varieties. However, it still never occurs to be reduce quantities. My latest stir fry was green beans, wax beans, broccolli, asparagus, and the mini ears of corn. I put a pound of each (except the corn which was canned) and put it all in the stir fry. Now I have four pounds of stir fry to eat the rest of the week. It's very good, so if you're in the area, stop by for some stir fry. By Thursday, I should be pretty sick of it.
Other than cooking, I have been directing my first show ever. All I will say about it so far (in a whiny voice) Directing is haarrrrdddd.
But I like it. There is a lot more coordination than I expected. Working with actors is the easiest part. Coordinating sound, lights, costumes, and logistics is where I am struggling, but it's been a good learning experience. As a HLC person, it will make me a little less critical of a reviewer, that's for sure.
That's all for now. I need to find my room. I know it's under the mess somewhere. My problem with keeping a clean room is that I think a good messy room is a work of art. However, this creation has come back to destroy the master. I have spent most of last week hiding from it, but I can't live in fear anymore. I have to take back my room.