Sunday, July 31, 2005


Whew. I don't have too much exciting news except that I am just trying to get a hold of everyone before I leave and do the reading I should have done about six weeks ago. And I am actually packing. Apparently, London is not experiencing a heatwave like Ohio so I have had to rethink several things. I kind of reached the point where I am just throwing extra things in my suitcase so it should be a fun surprise when I go to unpack. I comfort myself by remembering that it's always the random stuff that I find that I could not live without.
I am collecting small tidbits of wisdom-like bring something soft to sit on at the Globe or go on the Jack the Ripper tour and of course "bring an umbrella" from those who have been there. If anyone has any more of that wisdom, do share.
Hope everyone is well. :)
This was the list I got from Ape which is lovely. Thank you April.
-British Museum is great (and free- just a suggested donation). Reading room is really cool and Egyptian collection
- British Library (near King's Cross station) has a great collection of old documents- Magna Carta, Shakespeare stuff, Beatles music, etc
- Don't pack film (developed or not) in your checked bag. It will get ruined!
- Snappy Snaps is a chain of film development places that is really good.
- Dickens House Museum is near where you're living
- Kew Gardens are really neat, if you have a spare Saturday afternoon and the weather is good. It's really big with lots of nature paths. Probably good to go with someone else. You take the tube pretty far out (zone 3 or 4) and then walk to it.
- Tesco grocery stores are huge and cheaper, and Waitrose are smaller and more expensive (kind of like Byerly's up here)
- Make sure to bring your BuckID. A lot of places give student discounts.
- Changing of the Guard is actually kind of long and boring, but one of those things that everyone does when they go to London.
- We got engaged in Hyde park in the Serpentine, which is the lake, in a row boat, if you want to check it out.
- Natural History Museum has cool dinosaur stuff

OK enough rambling for now!

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Itinerary Take 2
I am going to do this week by week to prevent it from getting all messed up.
August 2- depart to London
August 3- arrive in London
August 4- Arab Israeli Cookbook at the Tricycle Theatre
August 5- See Death of a Salesman at the Lyric Theatre
August 6- Shoreditch Madonna at the Soho Theatre, Hedda Gabler at the Duke of York Theatre and then MacBeth at 11:00 pm in a mysterious park
August 8- On the Shore of the Wide World at the National Theatre

Roar. Of course it's out of order. Oh, well. It will make you think as you piece together where in the world I am.

WEEK 4 and WEEK 5
August 24- Guys and Dolls at the Piccadilly Theatre
August 24- 28- Edinburgh, Scotland where the Edinburgh Fringe Festival will be taking place
August 29- Notting Hill Carnival
August 30- Bronte at the Shared Experience Theatre
August 31- The Big Life at the Apollo Theatre, Troilus and Cressida at the Globe Theatre
September 1- Shared Experience Workshop, UN Inspector at the National Theatre
September 6- come home :)


August 17- Travel to Stratford-upon-Avon, Thomas More at the Royal Shakespeare Company
August 18- Sejanus at the Royal Shakespeare Company Swan Theatre and As You Like It at the Royal Shakespeare Company
August 19 & 20- Research in the Royal Shakespeare Company Archives
August 22- Complicite Workshop, Mary Stuart at the Donmar Warehouse
August 23- Complicite Workshop


August 11- Tour of the Globe, The Tempest at the Globe, Theatre of Blood at the National Theatre
August 12- Conversation with the Actors at the National
August 13- President of the Empty Room at the National Theatre, Pericles the Globe Theatre
August 14- A Winter's Tale at the Globe Theatre
August 15- Man Falling Down at the Globe Theatre
August 16- Henry IV Part 1 at the National Theatre

Ironman, here I come!

Or maybe HALF Ironman, or Olympic distance, or ehh...maybe another sprint!
I just finished my triathalon this morning. All week I have been wondering Why-Why am I am doing this? Why do I think getting up at 5 in the morning to swim in a dirty lake with 500 strangers is fun? Why aren't I in better shape? Why does biking and running in my wet swimsuit appeal to me as a past time? Why, why, why?
Well, as I filed into Anterim Lake with 500 of my new closest friends, I remembered. It's strangely both relaxing and exhilerating to see how far your body will take you. Mine took me on a quarter mile swim, 16 mile bike, and 3 mile run this morning and I felt great doing all of it. During the swim, I could only see my arms cutting through the green foggy water in front of me, but when I took a breath, I could see 500 people sputtering, gliding, and swimming around me. On the bike I was flying down 315 N (freeway in Columbus) trying hard not make Vrooomm noises (I LOVE my new road bike!). Though I was constantly barraged with "On your left!" I knew that I had a secret weapon- patience, strategy, and a little marathon lingering in my legs. During the run, I was doing the passing and I finished strong well within my goal time.
Things to remember for next time
1. Invest in padded shorts
2. Make friends early on with your rack mates
3. Not everyone has a sense of humor during the final run- I got the look of death from another runner when I joked to her that when we finished the run, we should start over and do it again. Luckily I was able to run ahead of her before she strangled me.

As for London news, I booked tickets for Pericles, Troilus & Cressida, and A Winters Tale at the Globe. I splurged and bought semi-expensive tickets for Pericles and Troilus & Cressida and for A Winters Tale, I will be standing in the yard like a groundling. What I am really excited about is that I managed to hit all three levels of the Globe- Upper, Middle, and Lower. And of course, seeing the actual plays. I will try to get my itinerary back up in the next few days.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Due to technical difficulties, the itinerary isn't currently posted. It will be up in the next few days when I figure out what I am doing wrong.
Until then just know that I am seeing a lot of plays throughout August.
And I suck at technology.

The Preparation Begins

t- 13

Lesson Learned Today- You walk into a hair salon. The place is completely empty. The two hair dressers have no hair. They act surprised that someone actually came into their salon. They look at you in bald head wonder. Do you
A. Run out of the salon with both hands protecting your hair
B. Ask the price of the hair cut and discreetly leave.
C. Sign up for an appointment and watch the curls fly.

On top of my list for things to do before I leave was: Get Hair Cut. Well I did. If the above clues didn't tell me anything, the hair dresser's mocking laugh following my comment "Well I don't want to lose any length" should have told me he was snip happy. My hair is significantly shorter, but I did get an AMAZING (and commplimentary) butterscotch lollipop.
I have also found more boring shakespeare plays that I am going to try and see while in London. This fine selection of rarely produced plays include: Pericles (with Marina the super virgin), Winter's Tale, and Troilus & Cressida.
Tonight I am booking my bus trip to Scotland and Edinburgh hostel where I will be staying.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I am going to use this while in London to keep everyone up to date of my adventures in theater, research, and exploring the British scene.